A friendly reminded Year 9 students will be carrying out the Morrisby Profile on Monday 3 April.
Please ensure your child’s laptop is fully charged in preparation for this coming Monday.
More information: My Career Insights is a program for all Year 9 students in Victorian Government secondary schools. It was designed to help your child to make informed choices about subject selection, vocational education and training, senior secondary school certificates and further study.
This program recognises the importance of developing career planning skills including an awareness of individual strengths and preferences as part of the overall career planning process for young people. This program is designed to support current career education programs within the school and to be a lifelong career tool that can be revisited and updated.
If you have not returned the consent form, can you please return to the office or email Courtney Raye (Careers & Pathways Practitioner) courtney.raye@
Please download the consent form here and the flyer here.