Parents are welcome and encouraged to play an active role in their child’s education, and become part of the William Ruthven Secondary College team. A partnership with parents is vital in supporting your child’s progress, growth and learning.
The School Council
The William Ruthven Secondary College School Council is responsible, within the framework of Victorian Government policy guidelines, for the school’s education policies and plans. The Council’s responsibilities also include use of school buildings, employment of ancillary staff, and use of school funds. Parents are welcome to nominate to join the Council, which is made up of six parents, four other community representatives and the Principal. Elections are held in March every year. A close working relationship between the Council, teaching and support staff assists in promoting collaborative decision making and solving problems.
The Council meets on the third Monday of the month, and any member of the school community is invited to attend.
Policies and procedures
The William Ruthven Secondary College School Council has a large number of policies developed in accordance with its values, Department of Education and Training Victoria guidelines and the expectations of our school community. They are subject to review and new ones are developed as needed. A full list of current policies can be obtained from the school.
Attendance, Absences and Late Arrivals
Attendance during regular school hours is compulsory and students aren’t permitted to leave the grounds during these hours. If students are to be absent for any period of time, parents should phone the College or provide a note or medical certificate. If a student is to be late, a parental note should be handed in to the student’s level leader.
Lists of required books and equipment for the following year are given to students at the end of each school year.
At WRSC, we value off-campus learning and hold regular excursions. To participate, students should return their permission form, signed by a parent or guardian, to the teacher hosting the outing at least three days before the trip.
Students are allocated a locker at the beginning of each year to store their bags and school supplies.
If your child requires any medication during school hours, please notify their level leader.
Mobile phones
Phones can be used outside allocated class time. Phones confiscated during class time can be collected by parents from the front office.
Money and valuables
The College cannot accept responsibility for any lost money, belongings or valuables. Level leaders can hold valuable items for safekeeping until the end of the day.
Newsletters are posted to parents each month and are also available online and at the front office. They let parents know about important upcoming dates and general news.
Formal reports are written at the end of each semester; an Enhancement Program Report will be provided to students who also take part in extracurricular activities and extension programs; and progress reports are distributed at the end of Term 1 and, where appropriate, Term 3. Dates for parent/teacher interviews are published in the College newsletter.

Staff Involvement
William Ruthven Secondary College staff are dedicated, passionate and committed to your child’s learning experience. They make learning engaging and accessible for all students in their care, give their time to support students at lunchtime and after school through the homework club. They also dedicate time to organise and attend excursions, camps and international travel with student groups.
Staff members in support roles can be called on at any time for assistance.
These roles are;
Student welfare leaders
Students and their families can make a confidential appointment to see a welfare leader in times of personal crisis, or for help dealing with a family issue that may be hindering the student’s progress. They can also connect families with a range of external advice and support services and assist those families with special needs to arrange uniforms and books. The welfare team includes a nurse who works with students on health-related issues.
Year level leaders
Parents who are concerned about their child’s progress should first contact their level leader. These leaders deal with issues relating to welfare and discipline and will be able to advise parents on the best course of action. They will put parents in touch with subject teachers if the issue relates to a specific subject.
Transition leaders
These leaders ensure the transition from primary school to William Ruthven Secondary College is smooth and non-disruptive.
Parental Involvement
Parents are a vital part of the William Ruthven Secondary College community and are encouraged to be active in and supportive of their child’s learning. Parents are welcome to join committees such as the School Council, Community Engagement or Education Policy committees. The involvement of parents can greatly enhance students’ learning experience. How you can help;
- Attend parent/teacher evenings and music, arts and drama productions;
- Ask your child about their day;
- Help them with homework;
- Discuss their school report with them;
- Join the School Council;
- Keep up-to-date with college news through letters mailed home, regular newsletters and the College website.
Parents are welcome to contact the College at any time on 9462 2177. Tours can also be arranged.