
The families of all potential William Ruthven Secondary College students are welcome to attend one of our weekly campus tours to learn about the educational opportunities we provide. Contact the College on (03) 9462 2177 during term to book your spot.

Years 8-12 Enrolment

To inquire about attending William Ruthven Secondary College, call us on (03) 9462 2177 and leave your details. If your child is transferring from another school, it’s helpful to send us a copy of previous reports. Please email William.ruthven.sc@education.vic.gov.au for additional details.

Years 8-12 Enrolment Form


    Does your child have any specific learning needs?
    N/AEngagement in the classroom (completing work, understanding work, following teacher instructionsAttendance (truancy/school refusal)Relationships (with teaching staff and students-bullying etc.)

    Please upload the following relevant documents (file types include .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg with a size limit of 1.5mb).*

    Input this code: captcha