Important news regarding the GAT
Important news from the VCAA regarding COVID-19 related Health Directions and communication for Year 11 and 12 students living in these postcodes and sitting the GAT on Tuesday 5 October.
Important news from the VCAA regarding COVID-19 related Health Directions and communication for Year 11 and 12 students living in these postcodes and sitting the GAT on Tuesday 5 October.
COVID-19 support services are available to people in our community.
Here is the State Government’s roadmap for re-opening Melbourne.
Information for parents of Year 7 and 10 students regarding immunisations.
Massive congratulations to our students on the production of the very first Ruthven Reader.
Regional and rural Victoria will move to Stage 3 restrictions and metropolitan Melbourne will move to Stage 4 restrictions to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
We know that some of our school community are experiencing financial hardship; here you’ll find a list of agencies that can provide assistance.
WRSC student Jack Fratto opted to do the Y Challenge because he wanted to experience something different.
WRSC student Shannan Giampa tells us all about what she learned during her Y Challenge.
Schools will begin a staged return from remote and flexible learning from Tuesday 26 May 2020. All students will attend school as normal from Tuesday 9 June 2020.