Report: Isaac and Aryan
During our week at the Outdoor Education camp at Rubicon Outdoor School, we explored different concepts such as teamwork, collaboration and leadership. We learnt to work together through different exciting and fun activities such as hiking, caving, mountain biking, rafting and high ropes course. Together we lit fires, camped in tents and cooked our own delicious food such as calzones, butter chicken and chocolate banana boats on the fire.
Throughout this camp we developed many memories and learnt so much about ourselves and getting outside our comfort zones. On Thursday there was an options day where we could choose to participate in whatever activity we liked. We really enjoyed this responsibility and opportunity to decide for ourselves.
One of the group’s personal favourite activities we participated in was the caving in which we put on hard hats and torches and explored underground caves, slipping through small gaps. In these caves we found rocks that can create sparks, rivers that ran underneath us and glow worms. Despite the numerous challenges we faced, we can confidently say that we really enjoyed this camp and hope to do it again soon.
Year 8s should definitely choose Outdoor Ed for as an elective next year.